Re-gluing Critical Parts Related to the Neck Block

In my previous blog post (A 50 years old Yamaha), the damage report has presented the damages areas in a general way. I shall provide more details in this blog post of each damage and its repair processes.
Many critical areas and surfaces have dislodged, thus a considerable number of re-gluing processes were expected.
These processes were video documented and I shall let the videos do most of the explanation rather than bored you with too many words.

1) A chunk of spruce has been ripped from the guitar top and it remained on the tongue of the fingerboard. The chunk of spruce has to be removed.
2) The fingerboard has delaminated slightly from the neck at the areas near the neck dovetail joint. No gap can be left in those areas and all opened areas have to be re-glued.
3)The neck block itself has a female dovetail joint. A through crack was found in the block. It has to be re-glued.
4) The guitar top has totally detached from the neck block. All these detached surfaces must be re-glued.
5) Certain portions of the guitar sides that were originally glued to the neck block were detached. Re-gluing these portions must be done.
6) Certain lengths of the guitar binding were dangling. These must be re- glued too.

Here are the videos.
Removing the guitar neck after steam injection process
Removing spruce chunk
Re-gluing detached fingerboard surfaces
Re-gluing crack in neck block
Re-gluing top board to neck block
Re-gluing dislodged guitar side and bindings
Re-gluing guitar top and guitar side to neck block